Over the past six years we have seen, very clearly, that there are many African scholars eager to participate in the debates of the social sciences.
Book Review: Youngest Recruits: Pre-War, War & Post-War Experiences in Western Côte d’Ivoire
Based on data collection and first-hand experience in Man, Côte d’Ivoire, Youngest Recruits is a remarkably refreshing contribution to existing studies of armed conflict in this region of sub-Saharan Africa. The author, Magali Chelpi-den Hamer, deftly surveys the literature on youths involved in conflict, as well as many of the debates taking place among international organizations.
From the Editors – Volume 6, No. 1
In our inaugural and several other issues of Africana, we have emphasized the importance of including Africa-based scholarship in the global debates of the social sciences.
From the Editors – Volume 5, No. 3
As our readers are aware, 2011 was a remarkable year for democratic change. Authoritarian regimes throughout the world were challenged by a surge of popular democratic will; as we write, those events continue.
From the Editors – Volume 4, No. 1
As before, we have found that there is much scholarly ferment in Nigeria, and this is reflected in the number of contributions from Nigerian scholars to this June 2010 issue.